Public Star Parties at the Thomsen
Regularly scheduled viewing: first and third Friday nights of each month.
If weather is marginal during the day, call the observatory at 817-202-6573 and leave a message with your questions and phone number.
Viewing begins about a half hour after sundown, but you are welcome to come before that, if you are patient for our volunteers to arrive to open the gate. Usually, we are setting up inside the dome about sunset.
What to bring? Wear warmer clothes than normal daytime attire, especially in winter. As the air cools, viewing gets more clear, but so does shivering! In mosquito weather, bring bug spray. In winter, wear hats, gloves and other very warm clothing. It’s easy to remove layers to keep cool, difficult to add layers if you didn’t bring them.
Also, your own lawn chair adds to your enjoyment if guests are waiting to view. Plan to stay an hour or more if viewing is optimal.
Location: 425 Linden St, Keene, TX 76059